BTC + trump = new era of finance

Donald Trump 2024 Bitcoin Conference Speech Recap:

• On day one I will fire Gary Gensler and appoint a new SEC chairman.

• Create a US Government strategic national Bitcoin stockpile if elected.

• US Government will keep 100% of Bitcoin it owns

• Bitcoin is going to the moon.

• Never sell your Bitcoin

• Bitcoin will one day probably surpass the market cap of Gold.

• I reaffirm my pledge to commute Ross Ulbricht's sentence.

• There will never be a CBDC while I am President of the United States.

• Bitcoin and crypto will skyrocket like never before if elected president.

• Bitcoin is not threatening the dollar, the current U.S. government is threatening the dollar.

• The United States will be the crypto capital of the planet and the Bitcoin superpower of the world.

• Bitcoin stands for freedom, sovereignty, and independence from government coercion and control.

• I pledge to the Bitcoin community that the day I take oath of Office, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' anti-crypto crusade will be over.

Was Trump shooter controlled by MK Ultra?
MK Ultra

Was Trump shooter controlled by MK Ultra?

Lots of stories have been written in regards to the "patsy" shooter being controlled by CIA as a MK ultra subject used to hide the attacks from other shooters placed at the assassination attempt on trump.

12-08-22 - Why Ukraine?

The US has given over $60 billion to Ukraine since March 2022.
The US has proposed to give over $100 billion to Ukraine this year. When does it end? Is it washing the money 💰from tax payers back to deep states criminal syndicate? Think and take local action. ⁣

The deep state uses Ukraine to wash money back to the DNC. You can see this greatly with FTX crypto exchange who comically withdrew 400m including investor money and blamed it on hackers. They just paid around 100m to Democrats and still no arrest. Sounds more like a mafia then a real political side of the ile.